AsiaDHRRA holds Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange on Dairy Research and Enterprises in PH

LCFU delegates at the International Conference on Carabao-based Enterprise Development organized by the PCC and SEARCA

Quezon City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA hosted a Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange Learning Visit on Carabao Research and Support Institutions, and Related Enterprises held on 23 – 29 October 2017 in Laguna and Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Six farmer leaders from Lao Cai Farmers Union of Vietnam (LCFU) participated in the learning visit.

The participants visited the DVF Dairy Farm, Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), and Milka Krem  in Nueva Ecija. They also went to Dairy Training and Research Institute at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).

LCFU delegates also attended the International Conference on Carabao-based Enterprise Development organized by the PCC and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture.


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