Asiadhrra highlights need for support to small holder agriculture in RDPE Workshop

AsiaDHRRA together with its members and partners participated in the recently concluded Workshop On The Framework Action Plan On Rural Development And Poverty Eradication held at the ASEAN Secretariat last Sept.29-30, 2011.
Workshop On The Framework Action Plan On Rural Development And Poverty Eradication held at the ASEAN Secretariat last Sept.29-30, 2011
Dr. Toan of VietDHRRA, in his talk during the information sharing, highlighted the centrality of small-holder farmers,fishers and indigenous peoples both men and women in the quest for poverty eradication and sustainable development. He mentioned that investment in small-holder agriculture is an important driver for attaining sustainable development. In ending he expressed the CSO call for a more action-oriented and binding programs and policies and programs on sustainable rural development. He also stressed the need for political will to address critical RDPE issues including regulation on massive land investment displacing farmers,fishers and IPs as well as the promotion of food sovereignty as essential to address poverty and hunger.
Workshop On The Framework Action Plan On Rural Development And Poverty Eradication held at the ASEAN Secretariat last Sept.29-30, 2011.
Workshop On The Framework Action Plan On Rural Development And Poverty Eradication held at the ASEAN Secretariat last Sept.29-30, 2011.


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