AsiaDHRRA gears up for its new 5-year strategic plan

Gyeonggi-do, South Korea – Members of the Executive Committee and secretariat gathered for a 2-day planning-workshop on 24-25 February 2015 in Gyeonggi-do Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning Institute Training Center, Suwon Si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
The 2015-2020 strategic plan, with a theme: “Towards a vibrant rural people’s organizations and resilient agricultural communities,” affirms the DHRRA’s tradition of building solidarity among farmers, their organizations and their partners in the ASEAN region and at the global level. Against the background of global and regional developments, AsiaDHRRA’s future work would address three key challenges:

  • The development and growth of rural people’s organizations that are able to 1) benefit from the economic opportunities resulting from the increasing volume of traded agricultural food and commodities; 2) effectively influence policies and participate in public agricultural programs; 3) deliver services to their members to support increased production, better agricultural services, effective natural resource management, and cares for the nutrition of women and children and 4) establish effective local mechanisms to address disaster risk reduction and post disaster agricultural rehabilitation.
  • Complementarity and relationships between and among civil society organizations and rural people’s organizations, in particular CSOs’ facilitating role in policy dialogues with government and various food and agriculture governance bodies, in the engagement with private sectors, and in their participation in public programs;
  • The strengthening of the AsiaDHRRA network and its member DHRRAs as support organizations and agri-agencies providing services to rural people’s organizations and as catalysts of development processes and mechanisms needed to broaden and deepen the impact of its collective work.

The ExeCom discussed the details of the operational framework of the new strategic plan and mandated the secretariat to finalize the document based on the Gyeongg-do meeting. The 2015 Annual Plan shall be firmed up accordingly.
Final copy of 2015-2020 Strategic Thrust would be made available online soon.


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