AsiaDHRRA gathers regional stakeholders to present study on Child Labour in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains in Asia

15 November 2021 via Zoom – AsiaDHRRA gathers stakeholders for the Regional Study Presentation on Child Labour in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains in Asia and its Linkages to Migration.
The regional study is supported by FAO, and managed by AsiaDHRRA, which investigates the prevalence, causes and consequences of child labour in selected fisheries and aquaculture value chains in three countries in Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand). It aims to provide actionable recommendations for national authorities on how to address the root causes, in fisheries and aquaculture, of child labour.

Its overarching goal is to support the three countries in meeting their relevant global commitments, in particular Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 8.7 (child labour and forced labour), Target 10.7 (safe, regular and orderly migration) and Target 14.b.1 (access to markets and resources for small-scale fishers).

Present in the event are the representatives from ASEAN Secretariat, FAO (Country Offices, Headquarters, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, ILO Regional Office, and AsiaDHRRA network (InDHRRA/Bina Desa, PhilDHRRA, and ThaiDHRRA).

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