AsiaDHRRA gathers DHRRAs to reflect on ReCoERDO gains, define ways forward of new SAP

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29 November 2021 –  AsiaDHRRA conducts reflection session on ReCoERDO-Asia to bring together the network members in defining ways forward for Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025, online via Zoom.

The previous ReCoERDO-Asia programming of the AsiaDHRRA network has impacted on the improved awareness on the important roles not only of rural development organizations but also of rural peoples’ organizations in pushing for resilient communities through strong local organizations, and effective policy engagement, and the importance of building economic bases toward greater self-reliance and sustainable communities in the long term.

The new cycle of AsiaDHRRA SAP is geared towards scaling up and expanding on the gains of ReCoERDO-Asia and other network’s programs such as the Farmers Fighting Poverty, Post-Disaster Rehabilitation Fund for Local Initiatives, among others.


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