AsiaDHRRA, FAO kick-off RAI youth & gender initiative

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11 November 2021 – AsiaDHRRA Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) Team, FAO RAI focals, and National Coordinators of  CamboDHRRA, LaoDHRRA, and PhilDHRRA kickoff meeting with youth and gender subject matter experts, via Zoom.

For the first phase of the project, the SMEs shall input to the mapping results of the key youth organizations and women’s organizations in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Philippines, that can play a strategic role in engaging women and youth in RAI.

A capacity and learning assessment will be conducted with these organizations to clearly identify their specific needs and develop a tailored learning and capacity development programme.

The initiative is under AsiaDHRRA and FAO partnership “Empowering women and youth organizations to engage in RAI in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Philippines”.

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