The AsiaDHRRA ExeCom and Secretariat jointly underwent the 2006 Leadership Development Session (LDS) in Bohol on Dec. 15-16. The two-day leadership session, ably facilitated by management consultant Angge Medel, became a productive venue for the ExeCom and secretariat to understand their own as well as the others’ leadership approaches, identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses, strengthen the team spirit among the ExeCom members and staff, and aligned the leadership agenda of each leader with the 5-year direction and plans of the network.
It was the first and entry activity for the new set of ExeCom members elected during the 6th GA in June 2006. The LDS generated a baseline of the needs of AsiaDHRRA leaders and will input into the leadership growth tool designed for each of them. The growth tool is subject to a review in the next LDS and in subsequent ExeCom meetings.