AsiaDHRRA, DHRRA Malaysia Co-Organize CSO Consultation Pre-33rd FAO APRC

Sengalor, Malaysia –  The CSO AdHoc Committee for FAO Engagement (AHC), International Planning Committee (IPC), together with local CSO hosts: DHRRA Malaysia (member of AsiaDHRRA) and PANGGAU (member of La Via Campecina), with support from FAO Regional Office, organized the CSO Consultation in conjunction with the 33rd FAO Asia Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) on 5-6 March 2016.
The Civil Society Consultation is a self-organized meeting held before or in parallel to the FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC). It is meant to gather key actors from different constituencies and countries to discuss key topics pertinent to the region, evaluate what FAO has done in the previous biennium (according to what was agreed upon at the previous Regional Conference), and discuss on specific agenda items of the Conference. The CSOs also take stock of what has been done collectively in the region/sub-region or thematically in view of the call of actions they have made in the previous biennial meeting.  The CSO Consultation prepared the CSO delegates to the Technical and Official APRC on 7-11 March at the Putrajaya Convention Center in Putra Jaya, Malaysia.

The consultation was participated by at least 50 delegates, representing FO and CSOs, from at least 17 countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Copies of the CSO Consultation documents may be downloaded from
AsiaDHRRA currently serves as the AHC Focal Point.


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