AsiaDHRRA convenes 9th General Assembly

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YANGON, MYANMAR — AsiaDHRRA successfully held its 9th General Assembly in Yangon, Myanmar on 2-4 October 2014, hosted by MyanDHRRA. In celebration of 2014 International Year of Family Farming, the GA’s theme is “Empowering Family Farmers and Building Resilient Communities in Rural Asia: The role of civil society organizations, government, and the donor community.”
Among the highlights of the event are the presentations from global (UN-FAO, AgriCord), regional (AFA, GIZ-BRIA, AsiaDHRRA), and local partners (FSWG-Myanmar) on sustainable development perspectives and initiatives for building partnerships towards empowered resilient grassroots communities; and, a panel discussion and small group discussions on four thematic priorities for civil society engagement: building resilient communities (KoDHRRA), developing social enterprises (Bina Swadaya), transforming agriculture governance (Action Aid), and, spirituality and rural development (InDHRRA).
The GA approved the “AsiaDHRRA Strategic Thrusts 2015 – 2020: Towards a vibrant farmers’ organizations and resilient agricultural communities.” The assembly has also elected the new set of Executive Committee for the period 2014-2018, as follow:

Ms. Dwi Astuti, InDHRRA – Chairperson
Mr. Saravanan Sinapan, DHRRA Malaysia – Vice Chairperson for SEAsia
Mr. Sung Lee, KoDHRRA – Vice Chairperson for North Asia
Mr. Kya Moo, MyanDHRRA – Vice Chairperson for Mekong
Ms. Wen-Chi Huang, TaiwanDHRRA – Woman-at-large
Ms. Marlene Ramirez – Secretary General

The Secretariat and the newly elected ExeCom will convene an operational planning by 1st quarter of 2015.
The three-day event was capped by a field visit in a farming-fishing village of La Har Yet in Thanlyn Township, Yangon Region. It was hosted by the Agriculture and Farmers’ Federation of Myanmar (AFFM).
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