AsiaDHRRA conducts Workshop on Farm Designing and Planning for Indonesian FOs

Jogjakarta, Indonesia – AsiaDHRRA in partnership with Bina Desa, organized a Farm Designing and Planning Workshop on March 13-15, 2019 in -GAIA Cosmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Participants in the 3-day workshop were partner-farmers’ organizations in Indonesia, namely: API, KPA, KSPS, KSP Sangurara, Ngudi Makmur, Ngudi Mulyo, and Sida Makmur.

During the workshop, the participants were able to analyze their short-term, medium-term, and, long-term needs parallel to the result of appraisal of available agricultural resources, agronomic factors, market situation in relation to production and farmers’ vulnerabilities to economic shocks and disasters during the workshop. Also, goal setting and identifying possible farm design options, and, documenting and evaluating farm design and plans per farmer / household were also initiated during the workshop.

Mr. Florante Villas, AsiaDHRRA Program Manager, wrapped-up the 3-day workshop by emphasizing the importance of farm designing and planning in moving forward/upward from one level to another in the ladder of farm development. He said that the process would pull together decision-making and management factors to achieve desired goals cutting across economic, social, environmental, and, health objectives of the farming households at different times.


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