Hanoi, Vietnam – FAO HQ, FAO-RAP, and, AsiaDHRRA, together with VietDHRRA, co-organized the Strengthening capacities of youth to carry out and benefit from responsible agricultural investments in Southeast Asia: Capacity Identification Workshop on 19-21 June 2019 at Hanoi, Vietnam.

Some 44 participants from the private sector, government sector, civil society organization, private sector, and, farmers’ organizations from Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR, and, Vietnam gathered for the event.
In general, the objective of this capacity identification workshop is to promote dialogue and coordination between youth and smallholders in agriculture and FAO, Government, CSO, and, private sectors stakeholders with regards to responsible agricultural investments in Mekong Sub-region. Specifically, it aims to: (a) understand global and regional policy framework and guidelines on responsible agricultural investments; and, (b) identify capacities and needs that are important for young farmers, smallholders, and agri-preneurs in carrying out and benefiting from investments in agriculture and food systems.
After the workshop, the four (4) country groups laid down some common next steps to be done, which include, among others (a) organizing consultation workshop with youth; (b) facilitating connection of young agri-entrepreneur with private sectors; and, (c) engaging with national level policy-makers to push agenda on youth in agriculture and investment.