AsiaDHRRA co-organizes regional CSO consultation in preparation for the 36th FAO – APRC

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3 March 2022 – 1st day of the Regional CSO Consultation in preparation for the 36th FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, which will happen on 8-11 March 2022.
It is meant to gather key actors from different constituencies and countries to discuss key topics pertinent to the region, evaluate what FAO has done in the previous biennium (according to what was agreed upon at the previous Regional Conference), and discuss on specific agenda items of the Conference. The CSOs also take stock of what has been done collectively in the region/sub-region or thematically in view of the call of actions they have made in the previous biennial meeting.
The consultation is co-organized by the International Planning Committee (IPC) and the CSO AdHoc Committee for FAO Engagement (AHC) and conducted in close coordination with the FAO Regional Office.
Specifically, the consultation aims to:
  • Strengthen partnership among civil society organizations (CSOs) for FAO policy engagement at the regional level in the APRC process.
  •  Raise the voice of the small scale food producers and family farmers’ organizations in the APRC process with concrete evidence focusing on agricultural crisis and covid-19 pandemic.
  • Promote agroecology at the APRC, addressing environmental and climate change- induced disasters and crises the food producers encounter and strengthen local, sustainable, resilient and equitable food system.
  • Promote dialogue and participation of small-scale and family farmers’ organizations and members of civil society (according to the Guidelines for Ensuring Balanced Representation of Civil Society in FAO Meetings and Processes) in the FAO Regional Conference.

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