AsiaDHRRA Co-organizes FinMa and MEAL Training Workshops in Vietnam

Hanoi, Vietnam —AsiaDHRRA, together with the International Cooperation Division (ICD) of the Vietnam National Farmers Union (VNFU), and VietDHRRA, co-organized training workshops on Financial Management (FinMa) and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) simultaneously, in Hanoi, Vietnam last December 11-13, 2017.
The Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD) of the Belgian government supported the training, under the Farmers’ Fighting Poverty (FFP) programming, with the aim to reinforce the competencies of different farmers’ organizations (FO’s). The increasing number of projects implemented by farmers unions entail a clearer understanding on the accountability requirements and enhanced capacities in financial management to be able to deliver concrete results, in favor of smallholders and small men and women food producers.
The training capacitated several participants including: finance leaders and staff, and MEAL focal persons of VNFU from Central Office, Provincial Farmer Union, and VietDHRRA with Lao Cai Farmers Union, An Giang Farmers Union, Phuc Than Farmers’ Cooperative and those who are involved with CSA projects such as Long An Farmers Union, Quang Ninh Farmers Union.
During the FinMa training, with the help of other FOs present, participants were able to examine the challenges and issues they encounter in financial management. And, through group work exercises, question and answer, and experiences sharing sessions, finance leaders and staff were able to establish financial management system that will best respond to the requirements during project implementation and reporting to donors.
For MEAL training, key elements were also identified as a basis for efficient monitoring and evaluation tools, including: project processes and results, indicators or measures of performance, and major assumptions. Participants were able to outline accountability relationships, requirements, and mechanisms, and learning agenda to ensure effective use of monitoring and evaluation outputs towards meeting key stakeholders’ needs and enhanced implementation and results.


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