AsiaDHRRA co-organizes back-to-back Sub-Regional Business Planning Workshops in Jakarta and Siem Reap

Siem Reap, Cambodia – AsiaDHRRA co-organized the second sub-regional business planning workshop at Khemara Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia on 2-7 May 2019 with participants from Mekong region: Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Vietnam. The national partner, CamboDHRRA, hosted the event. Around 49 farmer organizations’ core leaders and staff, together with their business advisors, participated in the 4-day event.

The first sub-regional business planning workshop was hosted by Bina Diesa at Hotel Passer Baroe, Jakarta, Indonesia on 17-20 March 2019. A total of 25 participants from artner FOs from Indonesia, including API, KPA KSPS, Ngudi Mulyo, and,  Ngudi Makmur, and, from Philippines, including, COMFAS, ISLACO, and, MARCCO attended the workshop.

During the respective workshops, participants formulated their draft business plans as assisted by their business advisor and AsiaDHRRA’s agri-business expert, Dr, Nerlita Manalili. Dr. Manalili, with support from national DHRRAs and AsiaDHRRA Program Managers, would conduct follow-thru mentoring / coaching to monitor progress of partner-FO’s business plans.  

These sub-regional workshop is one of AsiaDHRRA’s concrete strategies to help its partner FOs move forward in their business endeavor by equipping them with basic understanding of their own economic situation and setting in-depth visioning of their enterprise, with a hope of improving and increasing their chances of success.


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