AsiaDHRRA co-convenes with FAO the country leads for Child Labor and Migration in fisheries sector study

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Online via Zoom – AsiaDHRRA co-convenes with UN-FAO the country leads for Child Labor and Migration in Fisheries Sector study. The 3-day training on the conduct of the research will happen May 21, 22,  and 24 of May 2021 via Zoom with some 24 participants from Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand.

AsiaDHRRA is undertaking a study to investigate the prevalence, causes, and consequences of child labor in selected fisheries and aquaculture value chains in three countries in Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines). The study will also investigate the inter-linkages between child labor and migration in the selected value chains and communities.

The objective of the study is to provide actionable recommendations for national authorities on how to address the root causes, in fisheries and aquaculture of child labor.

The study’s overarching goal is to support the three countries in meeting their relevant global commitments, in particular, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 8.7 (child labor and forced labor), Target 10.7 (safe, regular and orderly migration) and Target 14.b.1 (access to markets and resources for small-scale fishers).

To attain the research objectives, AsiaDHRRA has mobilized a team composed of country researchers which will be lead by DHRRA partners in InDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, and ThaiDHRRA who will manage and implement the study at the national level with the guidance of a regional consultant who will provide the overall technical research requirements of the study, among others.

The Letter of Agreement on the study was entered into by AsiDHRRA and FAO in late 2020 to be implemented until 2021.


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