AsiaDHRRA Attends the 10th IFAD ACPoR for the Philippines

Bukidnon, Philippines — AsiaDHRRA attended the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)’s 10th Annual Country Programme Review (ACPoR) for the Philippines on 30 January to 2 February 2018 at Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, Philippines.
This year’s ACPoR with the theme Investments and Partnerships under the Approved IFAD Country Strategy, focused on: sharing of experiences and innovations; extracting good practices; and, identifying policy and operational constraints.
The three-day event included a cooperative and farm visits; presentation of IFAD country programme report and strategy; loan and grant project reports; interaction with government oversight agencies; and instruction on group strategies.
At the end of the review, about 65 partner participants from institutions/organizations and government agencies, were able to develop concrete actions to improve the performance of individual programs and projects and the overall IFAD country strategy for the Philippines.


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