AsiaDHRRA attends in the 46th CFS meeting in Rome

Rome, Italy – AsiaDHRRA joins civil society organization from all over the continents in the annual World Committee for Food Security (CFS) on 15 October 2019. The World CSO Coordinating Committee for the UNDFF (WCC) met to discuss current priorities to properly design actions of the United Nations Decade for Family Farming (UNDFF) 201-2028.

The WCC broadly discussed, among other issues, about i) the importance of bringing the UNDFF to national and sub-national levels, ii) ensuring the development of national and regional action plans for the UNDFF that contain concrete actions in favor of family farming in the different countries, iii) prioritizing actions to promote youth and women in family farming, iv) ensuring the appropriate monitoring of the UNDFF at all levels (national, regional and global), v) promoting the involvement and commitment of the different actors (governments, agrarian organizations, NCFF, international organizations) in the processes related to the Decade.

On several side events on Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems for Family Farming, AsiaDHRRA raised the concern of inappropriateness of some digital agro-technologies due to lack of rural infrastructures and services (e.g. cellular network signal); many of the innovative researches and tech are gathering dusts in the library and labs simply because they are unsuitable and/or unaffordable for their target users.

AsiaDHRRA is one of the technical working groups of the Agriculture and Rural Development Knowledge and Policy Platform (ARDKPP) which holds the Knowledge Learning Market and Policy Engagement (KLMPE).  It is an annual conference of various, farmer organizations, CSOs, NGOs, academic and research institutions, and government agencies. This year’s KLMPE will launch the celebration of UNDFF in the Philippines with focus highlighting the roles of youth in family farming and sustainable rural development, and, drafting of the localized action plan coming from the initial survey results and validation from all its stakeholders.


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