AsiaDHRRA Assists in Evaluation of Agriterra-SKP Partnership

AsiaDHRRA cooperated with Agriterra, a development arm of five farmers’ unions in Netherlands, in the evaluation of the partnership between Sor Kor Por (SKP), ZLTO and Agriterra. SKP is a national farmers’ federation in Thailand and an AFA member; ZLTO is the union of farmers in the South of Netherlands.

The main objectives of the evaluation were two-fold. First, to analyze the changes and developments of SKP as an organization as a result of Agriterra’s support. Second, to describe the capacities that SKP should still build and which Agriterra can further support. Mr. Klaas Johan Osinga, Policy Advocacy Expert of NLTO, the union of farmers in the Northern region of Netherlands, was lead consultant of the evaluation. The full report of the evaluation will be submitted by end of November 2003.


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