AsiaDHRRA and PhilDHRRA hold Social Accountability Workshop

AsiaDHRRA in partnership with its member in the Philippines, PhilDHRRA, and with support from the Associated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia Pacific (ANSA-EAP) co-sponsored a regional forum entitled “Strengthening Social Accountability towards Food Security: A look at the Asian Development Bank”.
The forum was participated by national and regional network in Asia and Pacific promoting food security / food sovereignty. The forum was well attended by key ADB staff from the NGO Section of ADB and the Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development Unit.
The forum aimed at identifying ways of expanding the spaces for meaningful participation of CSOs in ADB processes. The primacy of continuing the proactive work with the member countries of ADB in drafting the country partnership program (CSP) which is the basis of the bank’s assistance to its member was emphasized. CSOs urged ADB to improve its indicator system on social accountability that provide premium to participation of CSO beyond mere consultation towards adoption of relevant CSO inputs into actual policies and programs of the bank supportive of sustainable agriculture.


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