AsiaDHRRA and Intel succesfully hold regional workshop on Community-Based ICT Integration

AsiaDHRRA, in partnership with Intel Technology, successfully concluded the three-day “Regional Workshop on Community-Based ICT Integration” last 14 March with thirty-one participants from six Asian countries attending. The workshop, held in Legend Hotel, Pasig City, aimed to have a full understanding of the past and current initiatives by civil society organizations in bridging the digital divide.
The participants mapped areas for cooperation which included, among others, the mapping of ICT capacities and needs assessment, regional portal development, customizing open source IT solutions, and greater synchronization of efforts in bridging the digital divide. These agreements for future cooperation were reached after thorough plenary discussions that followed each of the thirteen case presentations.
Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, expressed appreciation for the generosity of participants from civil society organizations, government, and the private sector who had generously contributed to the dialogue. Ms. Ramirez thanked Intel Technology for its continuing optimism in the potentials of the partnership.
Click here to visit the workshop blog for more info… 

Ms. Yvonne Garcia-Flores, CSR Manager of Intel Philippines, said that the three-day interaction stressed the importance of sharing and working together. She was amazed at how far the idea of cooperation has gone since it was conceived a year ago in Samal Island through the “World Ahead Program.”
The “World Ahead Program” of Intel Technology aims to contribute to quality education, enlarge access and connectivity by communities, and develop content for knowledge building. Intel has approached AsiaDHRRA to look into the possibility of working together on the content development component of the World Ahead Program.


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