Asiadhrra anchors ASEAN 2011-2015 RDPE Framework drafting process

AsiaDHRRA has been tapped by the ASEAN Secretariat to anchor the drafting process of the ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Framework Action Plan (RDPE FAP) for 2011-2015.  We are facilitating, together with our national CSO partners and in coordination with the national ASEAN SOMRDPE Focal Points, a series of national consultations this month of June-July 2011.
Participants come mainly from SOMRDPE focal agencies, other national agencies concerned with RDPE, and peoples’ organizations, CSOs and NGOs, resource agencies and other ASEAN national sectoral bodies.
The new RDPE FAP is subject to a regional SOMRDPE workshop at the ASEC HQ in August and for approval during the 7th AMRDPE in Nomber 2011 in Brunei Darussalam.

RDPE Cambodia Consultation
RDPE Consultation in Cambodia

RDPE Consultation Malaysia
RDPE Consultation in Malaysia

RDPE Consultation Philippines
RDPE Consultation in Philippines

RDPE Consultation Laos
RDPE Consultation in Laos

RDPE Consultation in Thailand

RDPW Consultation in Thailand


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