ARDKPP launches UN Decade of Family Farming National Plan for the Philippines

21 July 2021 via Zoom – The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) national plan for the Philippines, known as the Philippine Action Plan for Family Farming or PAP4FF, was launched on July 21, 2021 by the Agriculture and Rural Development Knowledge and Policy Platform (ARDKKP) network. The PAP4FF is the national framework and implementation for fulfilling the vision of UNDFF, which highlights the role of family farmers as catalysts of sustainable world food systems and resilient communities.
“A decade for thriving Filipino family farmers, who are at the forefront of attaining a sustainable food system in the country while building a resilient future for the years beyond” — this is the heart of the Philippine Action Plan for Family Farming.

This launch today of the National Action Plan, which is a shared and inclusive action plan, where all the voices of different stakeholders are being heard — it’s quite important and it’s the beginning of an important process,” shared Alessandro Marini, the country director of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), as he formally started the launch.

Conducted through an online conference, the PAP4FF launch was attended by involved organizations and representative leaders of farmers, fisherfolks, indigenous people, rural women, and rural youth in the Philippines. Speakers from IFAD, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Department of Agriculture (DA), UNDFF, Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (PAKISAMA), National Anti-Poverty Commission, Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI), ARDKKP, and AsiaDHRRA were also present in this remarkable day for Filipino family farmers.

A total of 130 participants from various organizations and multi-sectoral groups were present during the launch of PAP4FF last July 21, 2021. This was broadcasted live in the Facebook pages of Philippine National Action Plan for Family Farming and PAKISAMA. 

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