AgriCord launches Farmer Organization for Asia program

19 August 2021 via Zoom – Agricord together with agri-agencies: AFDI, AsiaDHRRA, FFD, CSA, TRIAS, UPADi, and WeEffect launched the Farmer Organizations for Asia (FO4A) program.
The FO4A is part of the global Farmers’ Fighting Poverty Programme of Agricord. It’s counterpart in the other continents is the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (FO4ACP) which is implemented in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions.
These two programs are built on the experience of stakeholders, particularly in the implementation of the initial phase of the ASEAN Farmers’ Organisation Support Programme (AFOSP) and the Strengthening Farmers Organisations in Africa Programme (SFOAP), and take into account the results and recommendations emerging from their interim reviews and evaluation. Lessons from the ongoing self-evaluation of the AFOSP program have fed into the implementation of these programs.
In this program, AsiaDHRRA will be supporting 11 partner farmer organizations who have grown their business from the previous AFOSP program during the period 2016-2020.
AsiaDHRRA will also be bringing other members of Agricord Trias (Belgian) and the Canadian UPA Development International (UPA DI) to support partner farmer organizations Ngudi Makmur Cooperative and COMFAS. Trias’ support to COMFAS will focus on developing organizational capacities and enhance the inclusion of women and youth. Trias and UPA DI have likewise committed to support Ngudi Makmur Cooperative for the continuity of support in marketing mocaf and mocaf-based products, rice and vegetables.

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