FASAP successfully concludes Leadership and Organizational Strengthening Project

By Florante Villas

Participants of the FASAP Evaluation Workshop held last May 14-15, 2014..
Participants of the FASAP Evaluation Workshop held last May 14-15, 2014..

Farmers Association for Sustainable Agriculture Production (FASAP) conducted an end-of-the-project evaluation last May 14-15 in FASAP Office and Training Center, Khoun District, Xingkhouang Province. The project entitled “strengthening of leadership and organization capacity of FASAP” is funded by AsiaDHRRA under the Farmers Fighting Poverty programming of AgriCord with support from the DGD Belgium Cooperation
Mr. Pa Kao Wue, FASAP President briefed the participants on the process flow and activities of the project
Mr. Pa Kao Wue, FASAP President briefed the participants on the process flow and activities of the project

Mr. Pa Kao Wue, FASAP President briefed the participants on the process flow and activities of the project beginning with training needs analysis based on the surveys and focused group discussions with groups of officers and members, the formulation of training design and in the conduct of training workshops and other capacity-building activities. The final outputs of the project include the amendments to FASAP by-laws, FASAP logo and FASAP strategic plan for the period 2014-2018.
FASAP Treasurer gave a financial report on the expenses incurred by the project.
FASAP Treasurer gave a financial report on the expenses incurred by the project.

The Chairperson of the Project Committee implementing the project presented the evaluation results while FASAP Treasurer presented the financial report and the expenses incurred during the evaluation of the project. A workshop followed to discuss the priority needs of FASAP that will be addressed in the following period and a subject of the next project proposal that will be submitted to AsiaDHRRA. The participants presented almost in unity that FASAP should address the problems confronting FASAP members in the production and marketing of organic rice.
FASAP’s Vice Chairperson and Head of the Project Committee presented the Project Evaluation Results .
FASAP’s Vice Chairperson and Head of the Project Committee presented the Project Evaluation Results .



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