AsiaDHRRA, WRF host side event during the 2017 APFSD

Bankok, Thailand – The World Rural Forum and AsiaDHRRA organized a side event: “The Contribution of Family Farming in Achieving SDGs in Asia” on 31 March 2017at UN Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand. This was organized as part of the 2017 Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development Forum (APFSD). In the said side event, Dr. Daniel […]

AsiaDHRRA holds PMEAL training for FOs

Hanoi, Vietnam – AsiaDHRRA, through VNFU, conducted a training-workshop on “Project Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (PIMEAL)” last 25-26 March 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam. This training-workshop was organized in response to VNFU’s expressed need to enhance project management capacities of its provincial staff, as well as, officials of members and partner farmers’ organizations […]

AsiaDHRRA, VNFU conduct knowledge exchange workshop on cooperative

Hanoi, Vietnam – AsiaDHRRA, together with Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires (CSA), Vietnam Farmers Union, and the Asian Farmers Alliance for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), successfully co-organized the “Workshop on Knowledge and Experience of Agricultural Cooperatives in Vietnam and Delivery of Services to Accelerate their Growth and Development” on 27-29 March 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam. It was […]

VietDHRRA conducts its 4th General Assembly

Hanoi, Vietnam – VietDHRRA, hosted by Center for Agricultural Extension Volunteers, organized its 4th General Assembly on 23-24 March 2017. It was participated by representatives of 17 member-organizations. The General Assembly agreed on the priority agenda of the network in the next three years and the action points for revitalizing the network, including mobilization of […]

AsiaDHRRA attends CSO workshop on national implementation of SDGs

Bangkok, Thailand – AsiaDHRRA participated in the “Regional Workshop on National Implementation of SDGs And Voluntary National Review (VNR) of UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF)” on 24-25 February 2017 at IBIS Riverside Hotel, Bangkok. The Asia Partnership of Civil Society on Sustainable Development (APSD) and Asia Development Alliance (ADA) jointly organized the workshop, which was […]

AsiaDHRRA participates in the Global Dialogue on FAO Regional Conferences and Evaluation Meeting

Rome, Italy – AsiaDHRRA, represented by Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General, and AFA–representing the CSO AdHoc Steering Committee for FAO Engagement (AHC)–and the members of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) joined the global assessment of the FAO Regional CSO Consultations. The meeting was held last June 7-8, 2016 at the FAO Headquarters in […]

AsiaDHRRA at the ADB 2016 Food Security Forum

Mandaluyong City, Philippines – Farmers Fighting Poverty (FFP) and the Post-Yolanda (Haiyan) Fund for Local Initiatives, two of the major programs being implemented by AsiaDHRRA, were showcased in the recent Food Security Forum and Techno Show organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) last 23-24 June 2016. The two programs implemented in partnership with farmers’ […]

FAO, ASEAN, OECD conduct forum on food security and nutrition

Naypyidaw, Myanmar – AsiaDHRRA, together with AFA and partner CSOs in the region, participated in the Regional Conference on “Policies to Enable Food Security, Agricultural Productivity and Improved Nutrition” organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) […]

MTCP 2 Partners gather for 2nd Regional Steering Committee Meeting

Vientiane, Lao PDR – Noel Monteyne, AgriCord Central Office Program Manager, and Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, represented AgriCord in the Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the AFOSP (ASEAN Farmers’ Organization Support Program) and attended the Expanded 2nd Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meeting of the Medium Term Cooperation Program Phase 2 (MTCP 2). The […]

AsiaDHRRA in the 2016 Grow Asia Forum

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, discussed the importance and role of Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) during the session on Engaging Farmers’ Organizations at the 2016 Grow Asia Forum. The session focused on developing the Grow Asia Partnership stakeholders’ understanding of FOs and how they can be engaged to build scalable models […]

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