Signing ceremony between AsiaDHRRA and CamboDHRRA in the implementation of SEEDS project

AsiaDHRRA and CamboDHRRA recently signed a partnership to implement the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project at Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 26 February 2024.   The ceremony was joined by CamboDHRRA’s Chairperson Neth Sovann, AsiaDHRRA’s Secretary-General Marlene Ramirez,  CamboDHRRA’s Executive Director Him Noeun, and SEED’s Regional Project Manager Carlo Angelo Cordero. CamboDHRRA will partner […]

Cooperation in promoting digital agriculture implementation in Cambodia

AsiaDHRRA and Cambodhrra organized a stakeholders’ meeting for its latest collaboration on Smallholder Economic Empowerment through the Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project with the Research and Agri-extension and Rural Development Divisions of the Royal University of Agriculture on 26 February 2024 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The meeting discussed implementing the SEEDS project in various programs, including […]

Advocacy efforts and campaigns to eliminate child labor through national and local partnerships

Program Manager Ms. Luz Almagro Blanco guested at the PTV DavNor Network, Radio 911 – to formally introduce AsiaDHRRA’s latest project on “Harnessing CSO Capacities for Eliminating Child Labor Action through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship” on 20 February 2024. The opportunity was made possible with the support of Kaanib Foundation Inc., a partner organization of […]

Pilot launch of Biyayang Lokal expansion leveraging small businesses and communities

The Rural-Urban Market Link (RUML) project has reached a significant milestone with the pilot launch of Biyayang Lokal expansion in Caloocan City.  Productive meetings and fruitful collaboration between RUML and KCOOP through PhilSSA have led to this groundbreaking initiative aiming to streamline ordering and distributing rice as an identified pilot product.  Additionally, KCOOP will consolidate […]

Setting the green lights to eliminate child labor through building capacities, multi-stakeholder partnerships and agri-entrepreneurship

The formal signing of AsiaDHRRA’s latest project on “Harnessing CSO Capacities for Eliminating Child Labor (ECL) Action through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship” took place at the Partnership Center, Loyola Heights, Quezon City on 23 January 2024.  The ceremony was attended by AsiaDHRRA’s project management and financial team, focal program officers from COM, Kaanib, and PhilDHRRA-Mindanao, […]

Creating mechanisms on farm planning and production benefitting the farmers

The Rural-Urban Market Link (RUML) team organized an orientation on farm production and planning for suppliers to Buklod Agrarian Reform Community Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BBARC-MPC) at Buenavista, Quezon Province, on 25 January 2024.  BBARC-MPC is a 2,200-member cooperative under NATCCO and is engaged in planting lowland vegetables.  The insightful gathering was attended by 18 participants, 13 […]

Understanding the business models and operations of community small-business enterprises

The Rural-Urban Market Link (RUML) team visited and interviewed selected lead store, carinderia (eatery), and sari-sari (variety) owners on {specific dates} at {place).  The activity collaborates with the Partnership of Philippine Support Service Agencies (PhilSSA) and Kabuhayan sa Ganap na Kasarinlan Credit and Savings Cooperative (KCOOP) under the Biyayang Lokal initiative, which aims to understand […]

Operational Planning to Eliminate Child Labor in the Philippine agriculture

AsiaDHRRA organized operational planning for its latest project on “Harnessing CSO Capacities for Eliminating Child Labor (ECL) Action through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Agri-entrepreneurship” on January 19-20 and 22, 2024.  The program seeks to catalyze a multi-stakeholder partnership mechanism to establish rural youth organizations at a local level, create livelihood opportunities, support agri-enterprises for affected families […]

A panel discussion on Sustaining Agriculture through Collaborative Partnerships

AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Florante Villas, participated in a panel discussion on Sustaining Agriculture through Collaborative Partnership organized by the Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (PPSA) during the key partners’ meeting at Makati Diamond Residences, Makati, on 5 December 2023. The discussion generated insights to shape policies, inspire initiatives, and nurture collective efforts beyond […]

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