Farmers’ Organization Stories – MarCCO, Philippines

A compilation of farmers’ organizations’ Stories of Change features Matulatula Agrarian Reform Community Cooperative (MarCCO) from Pola, Mindoro Oriental, Philippines.  AsiaDHRRA has supported MarCCO since 2016 in building the cooperative’s technical capacities for agribusiness, mainly producing its primary citrus juice, Mindoren C, under the programme Farmers Organization for Asia (FO4A).  The programme is supported by […]

National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN, the Philippines

The Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PhilDHRRA), in collaboration with AsiaDHRRA, organized a National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN on 30 April 2024.  The assembly served as a platform to discuss relevant ASEAN frameworks and national agroecological policies and programs from stakeholders representing family farmers organizations, civil […]

National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN, Thailand

The Thailand Partnership for the Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (ThaiDHRRA) in collaboration with AsiaDHRRA, organized the National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN on 26 April 2024 at Baan Suan Sum Saeng, Tha Khon Yang, Kantharawichai District, Maha Sarakham Province.  The gathering was participated by various stakeholders from Thai […]

Training on Enumerators for RISE-UP Project

AsiaDHRRA, with its partner consortium, conducted a training on enumerators of the RISE-UP Project on 18-20 April 2024 at Tagum City, Davao del Norte. The workshop was led by PhilDHRRA, implemented face-to-face, and utilized various approaches such as learning exercises, lectures, and other training instruments. It was the 1st community level training to generate community […]

Project launch against child labor in agriculture sector in the Philippines

AsiaDHRRA, in collaboration with the Community Organizers Multiversity – CO Multiversity, Kaanib Foundation, Inc., and Phildhrra-Mindanao, launched the RISE-UP (Resilience Inclusion Sustainability Empowerment Unity Progress) project on 17 April 2024 at Barangay Mankila, Tagum City, Davao del Norte.  The event was attended by farmers’ organisations from Bukidnon and Maguindano (young youth, rural women, farmers), local […]

REPOSTING: Regional Technology Integration and Applications Specialist (RTIAS)

Job accountability: The Regional Technology Integration and Applications Specialist (RTIAS) leads the process of identification, validation, and consolidation of farm/agriculture needs (with specific emphasis on smallholder field realities), matching these with available digital technologies/applications (through a process of integration). The RTIAS also ensures that the knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary for farmer-users to effectively use […]

SEEDS collaboration with the Philippine’s Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)

AsiaDHRRA and the Philippines’s Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) met via Zoom conference to collaborate on AsiaDHRRA’s digital agriculture project – Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) on 11 April 2024.  The department’s Undersecretary, Ms. Jocelle Batapa Sigue has joined the regional Project Advisory Group (PAG) and will provide strategic guidance to […]

National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN, Cambodia

The Cambodian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (CamboDHRRA) organized the National Consultation to promote Agroecology in the context of ASEAN on 8 April 2024, in Phnom Peng Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  The workshop was in coordination with CamboDHRRA’s various stakeholders, namely, the Senior Officials Meeting on Rural Development and Poverty […]

USAID Visited the RUML Biyayang Lokal Launching in Valenzuela City

USAID Deputy Administrator Paloma Adams-Allen and Mission Director Ryan Washburn joined the Rural-Urban Market Link (RUML) team for the launch of Biyayang Lokal in Valenzuela City on 21 March 2024.  Biyayang Lokal, a subprogram under RUML, aims to promote and link farmers’ products to the urban markets and deliver affordable, fresh, and nutritious food via […]

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