ASEAN share ASCC MTR Report

The ASEAN has published the ASCC MTR Report. This can be accessed at the following links: (Page link) (Direct link to report) Asiadhrra was tapped to conduct the Medium Term Review of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint. About the ASCC MTR (excerpted from the report) The Cha-Am Hua Hin Declaration on ASEAN […]

Asiadhrra joins in launching AgriCord Philippine Network

Asiadhrra together with fellow Agri-agencies will launch the AgriCord Philippine Network during the workshop entitled  “Social Solidarity Economy: How family farmers benefit from it” which takes takes on October 16, 2013 at the University of the Philippines College of Social Work and Community Development (UP- CSWCD) Room 301 and 302. The workshop will showcase family […]

Asiadhrra gearing up for IYFF 2014

At the global level, both the official and CSO processes are rolling for the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) 2014. CSO and Official side events on the IYFF are taking place from Oct 3-11, 2013 in Rome in conjunction with the upcoming 40th Session of the Committee on World Food Security. Asiadhrra will be […]

Asiadhrra tapped to draft the report on ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint

Delegation members at the meeting discussed the draft report prepared by the Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA), providing feedback and suggestions, aiming to consolidate recommendations for the Senior Officials Committee of the ASCC (SOCA) and ASCC consideration at scheduled meetings from September 24 to 26. The Permanent Secretary […]

Vietdhrra hosts exchange visit of Philippine Agri Teachers

CAEV-Vietdhrra hosted an an exchange visit by teachers and professors from the Nueva Vizcaya State University of the Philippines where they learned how CAEV-Vietdhrra utilizes participatory approach in promoting agricultural extension services and gender-responsive activities in the rural communities of Vietnam.            

DHRRA Malaysia to celebrate a decade of achievements

DHRRA Malaysia is set to celebrate a decade of meaningful service to malaysian people. The event, to be held on Sept. 07, 2013 from 07:30 pm onwards at the Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya will showcase success stories, presentations and a sumptuous dinner. Our very best wishes to DHRRA Malaysia on this momentous occasion! As […]

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