AsiaDHRRA attends IFAD's 9th ACPOR Meeting

Butuan City, Philippines – Last January 25 to 27, 2017 the 9th Annual Country Programme Review (ACPOR) was organized in Butuan City, Philippines and attended by 52 representatives coming from IFAD assisted projects, oversight and lead government agencies, and implementing partners. Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA attended the activity representing also the AgriCORD […]

AsiaDHRRA joins ComFAZS and XAESFI during project launch on Collective Marketing in Mindanao

Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines – Last January 26-27, 2017 a project launching on “Enhancing Collective Marketing of Grouper, Snapper, Sea Bass and other high value fish species” in Zamboanga Sibugay was organized by the Coalition of Municipal Fisherfolks Association of Zamboanga Sibugay (COMFAZS). The project’s objective is to build an economy of scale for snapper, […]

AsiaDHRRA co-organizes the Post-ACBF Planning Workshop with AFA, Farmers' Organizations, & Agri-agencies

As a follow through of Farmers’ organizations (FOs), Agri-agencies, and international development partners working together on agri-cooperatives across Asia, the Post – ACBF Planning Workshop with the theme “ASEAN Farmers Priorities, Strategies, Actions for Strengthening Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia” was held last 1-2 of December 2016 at Sulo Hotel, Quezon City, Philippines. Around 77 delegates […]

AsiaDHRRA co-organizes the 6th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum

Quezon City, Philippines – With the theme “Enhancing ASEAN Economic Collaboration through Cooperatives”, 6th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum was held last 29 and 30November 2016 at Novotel Hotel, Quezon City, Philippines. It was a coming together of around 135 participants from Cooperative Development, Co-op and Farmer leaders, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Regional and International Development […]

AsiaDHRRA celebrates with Family Farmers the KLM – PE 2016/IYFF+2

Quezon City, Philippines – With the theme “Engaging Development Partners towards Sustainable Development of Smallholder/Family Farmers”, 350 representatives from CSOs, Farmers’ and Peoples’ Organizations, Government representatives, and International development partners gathered together to celebrate the 2016 International Year of Family Farming Knowledge and Learning Market – Policy Engagement (IYFF KLM-PE) at the Bureau of Soil […]

R8 Alliance meet with NATCCO and SIDC on Agri-Coop building

Quezon City, Philippines – Last November 19, 2016 around 20 representatives coming from Farmers’ Organizations of Region 8 or R8 Alliance, AsiaDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, and PAKISAMA met with key officials of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) and Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC). The meeting objectives are the following: Explore the support of NATCCO and SIDC […]

AsiaDHRRA continues support to FAKZ and FASAP

Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR – Last October 30, 2016, Mr. Florante Villas, AsiaDHRRA Program Manager, met with farmer leaders of Farmer Association of Khangvieng Zone (FAKZ) and Farmers Association for Sustainable Agricultural Production (FASAP) to discuss with their leaders about the progress of the projects that AsiaDHRRA has supported. FAKZ project will soon progress from […]

10th AsiaDHRRA GA held in Vientianne, Lao PDR

Representatives of DHRRA network-members, DHRRA country partners, and FO partners, key ASEAN officials, and government representatives of the Lao PDR, and international development partners attended AsiaDHRRA’s 10th General Assembly held in Vientiane, Lao PDR last 24-26 October 2016. With the theme “Localizing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and ASEAN Community 2025: The Role of Rural […]

ASEAN to localise its vision in rural areas

(from     VIENTIANE, 26 October 2016 – “The fruits of ASEAN regional integration have to be shared and enjoyed by all, including the rural poor, the vulnerable and underprivileged,” stated Dr AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for Community and Corporate Affairs. He emphasised this in his keynote address at the 10th General Assembly […]

DHRRA Members attend Regional Learning Session on MEAL

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar – The Regional Learning Session on Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) was held last September 18, 2016 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The learning session was organized by MyanDHRRA and AsiaDHRRA, and attended by MEAL Focal persons from DHRRA Malaysia, PhilDHRRA, InDHRRA, ThaiDHRRA, CAEV-VietDHRRA, MyanDHRRA, Cambodia partners Farmer’s Life Improvement […]

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