Philippine City offers tax breaks for green roofs

EcoSunday shares this news bit from BusinessWorld about a new law enacted by the city council of Quezon City, Phlippines “requiring private and government-owned buildings to reserve part of their rooftops for “greening.” New commercial/residential buildings, under the Green Roof Ordinance (Ordinance 1940) signed into law by Mayor Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr. last September 10, […]

Chickens in the city

Well,  hens actually. Roosters are not welcome because of their crowing and they don’t lay eggs and don’t have good meat hehe. Farmfriday brings this interesting article from MSNBC about raising chickens in the city. While this may seem novel in modern western cities, this may not be so in most asian cities. Still its an […]

Goat farming is good money

Tired of real estate or money market investments  that turn out to be duds? Despair not! Do what we have been telling you forever: invest in agriculture. for starters, how about goats? Looking for a farming venture that is not only environment friendly but profitable as well? PCARRD suggests raising goats Goats are very popular […]

BPRE holds Visayas-wide technical symposium on tramline projects

Here’s a news bit we gathered from the Philippines’ Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension. Might be useful for our Philippine based readers. BPRE also has lots of interesting training courses you might wanna check out. The Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension conducted a Visayas-wide technical symposium on agricultural tramline projects on August 27-28, […]

Farms on the rooftops

Here’s an interesting bit we stumbled upon on MSNBC about urban farming in New York City, USA. As the worldwide trend towards urbanization continues to roll on, the prospects of urban farming becomes more and more evident, if not, a practical necessity.  I like this quote from the rooftop farmer “Food comes from not only […]

Making a mud stove

Here’s some FarmFriday handy tips we got from CELAC. Mrs Muwanga Jesca – Vice Chairlady of CELAC Masaka District Farmers Network shares her technique for making a long lasting and fuel efficient mud stove… I want to share with you how to make a cooking stove out of mud just like the one I made […]

Asian countries need to manage water supply efficiently

Here’s an interesting tidbit we picked up from Celcias… Asian countries urgently need to boost farmland productivity and use water more efficiently or the continent may not have enough water to support the agricultural needs of its growing populations, an Asian Development Bank-supported study found. Dwindling groundwater supplies are already threatening drinking water and crop […]

GMWatch monitors FrankenFoods worldwide

Need to keep abreast of the future terror that is GMOs? FarmFriday wants you to visit GMWatch so you can “Keep up to date with the latest news on the issue of genetically modified (GM) food and crops and find out about the deceptive PR campaigns being used to promote GM worldwide.” “GMWatch is an independent […]

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