Latest IYFF Brochure

WRF has released the latest brochure of the Campaign for an International Year of Family Farming. Click to download

Understanding Agricultural Chains towards Enhanced Market Access

By Dr. Nellie Manalili, Regional Adviser for Asia on Market Access, Vredeseilanden (VECO) Much of the problems in the agricultural sector exist because we do not understand what is going on. That is why we need to understand what are agricultural chains and how these are linked to the market. In a simple marketing system, […]

Taiwainese farmers potty trains pig to reduce pollution

Potty trained pigs? An interesting tidbit from the Philippine Daily Inquirer…. TAIPEI, Taiwan—Farmers in southern Taiwan have started to potty-train their pigs in response to a planned water pollution fee, breeders and officials said Monday. To keep their livestock from defecating into nearby rivers, a growing number of farms have established special “toilets” smeared with […]

Breaking news: G77 Walks out of the Copenhagen climate talks!

Huffington Post has this breaking news about the Copenhagen Climate talks: The UN international climate change conference is in chaos as the G77, which represents 130 developing countries “pulled the emergency plug” suspending the talks over wealthy countries’ reluctance to discuss a legally binding emissions treaty. read more about the climate talk walkout here….

Indonesia Value Chain Analysis and Market Mapping book now available

We are sharing with you our latest publication – the Mapping of Marketing Intermediation of CSO in Indonesia and Value Chain Analysis of Organic Rice in Indonesia. You can download the PDF version here (right click and choose “file save as…” or drop by our office for the print version. Copies are limited though so […]

Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Communities

Thanks again to our friend Jose Osaba for sharing this interesting book from TWN. “THE world is now facing a new era of climate change and the impacts of climate change are already being felt everywhere, particularly in the developing countries and small islands. The local knowledge systems and agricultural practices and techniques adopted by […]

Listening to Farmers

Danielle Nierenberg and Bernard Pollack  shared  this article with us about their visit to the  World Vegetable Center in Arusha, Tanzania. The intrepid couple are traveling in Africa and you can keep up with their discoveries and adventures in their personal blog at  BorderJumpers. The World Vegetable Center is focusing on “building a sustainable seed […]

Using mobile phones in advocacy campaigns

Here’s an oldie but goodie bag ‘o tips for TechTuesday from about the effective use of mobile phones in issue campaigns. Speed is often critical in an advocacy campaign and mobile phones allow the rapid dissemination of messages to a network of supporters with specific calls for action. In the developing world, where internet […]

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