Another rice crisis in the offing?

HungerWednesday shares this disturbing news at Asia Sentinel we picked up from Manuel Quezon’s FB updates about the yet another rice crisis looming just up ahead. “This year, I will not have enough rice to eat for the whole year,” says Kong Chanthorn, a rice farmer in Srayov Kharng Tbong village in Cambodia’s Kompong Thom […]

The Madness of Crowds and an Internet Delusion

TechTuesday brings this very interesting article by John Tierney of the NYTimes about the hive culture and pack behavior running rampant in the interwebz and how it is “fostering nasty group dynamics and mediocre collaborations.” When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs? In the 1990s, Jaron Lanier was one […]

IFAD earmarks $73M for 3 projects in RP

An interesting newsbit from the about IFAD’s new programs in the Philippines. MANILA, Philippines—Rome-based International Fund for Agricultural Development (Ifad) plans to allocate some $73 million for three proposed projects on coastal resource management, agribusiness and upland developments in the country. According to project documents, the amount represented Ifad’s share in the cost of […]

CRS Experience – Support to Agro-Enterprise Development in Nghe An Province (Vietnam)

Ms. Chu Thi Mai Anh, Agricultural & Rural Enterprise Development Project Officer, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) The CRS has partnered with the Province of Nghe An to promote a territory approach to agro-enterprise development. This means that the project needs to 1) be implemented through the Government administration structure; 2) improve the skills and knowledge […]

Mechanisms for Product Quality and Food Safety: Tips for Entry into the Supermarket

By Rene Guarin Executive Director, Upland Marketing Program Mr. Guarin introduced the Upland Marketing Program and related about its nearly twelve years of experience in selling directly to supermarkets. He said that direct selling to supermarkets is inevitable given the worldwide trend of increasing rate of grocery sales due to various factors, such as the […]

Value Chain Analysis of Calamansi

By Mr. Jesus Vicente Garganera, National Coordinator, PhilDHRRA A market research scanning on calamansi that was done revealed important statistics and information for any farmer or group of farmers interested in producing and marketing. It was found that the production of calamansi in the country has been increasing, with major supplies coming from Central Philippines […]

IYFF Campaign Update December 2009 – A dream nearer each day

Towards The Celebration Of The International Year Of Family Farming-IYFF. A dream nearer each day José María Zeberio-Executive Secretary of the World Rural Forum-WRF REPORT ON THE IYFF Before the end of 2009 we wish to update our report on the IYFF. In the world today there are 3,000 million people who live in the […]

Overview of Challenges Experienced by Small Farmers in Engaging with Markets

Overview of Challenges Experienced by Small Farmers in Engaging with Markets, by Mr. Nonoy Villas, presented the rationale behind supporting small farmers’ commodity-based associations. He started with the definition of terms to illustrate that the small farmers have the weakest link in both the supply and the value chains. He added that small farmers are […]

Food Safety And Product Quality Issues And Problems

Country Presentations from Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia Philippines Mr. Luis Caballero Jr., Vice Chairperson of Zamboanga Sibugay High Value Marketing Crop, presented their community’s experience in maintaining food safety and quality standards for calamansi. In terms of maintaining product quality, this involved the processes before planting, the maintenance requirements during planting season, as well […]

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