ATIGA enters into force May 17, 2010

Latest press release from ASEAN on the ATIGA ASEAN Secretariat, 17 May 2010 The cost of doing business in ASEAN will be lower and trade-related transactions simpler as the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), one of the region’s landmark economic agreements, entered into force today. The ATIGA, which is comprehensive in its scope and […]

Map of rice genebank collections

From Rice Today we got this rice genebank map that “maps out the geographical source of rice genetic diversity preserved in selected rice genebanks—one of the first steps towards producing a global picture of rice biodiversity. This will help identify any gaps around the world where rice biodiversity has not been collected yet for conservation.”

Book highlights promising approaches to address the needs of poor female farmers

Interesting reading on female farmers and gender issues we got from our inbox again. Promising approaches to address the needs of poor female farmers : resources, constraints, and interventions By Agnes R. Quisumbing and Lauren Pandolfelli IN World Development, vol. 38, no. 4, April 2010. This article critically reviews some recent attempts to increase poor […]

Korea shares japonica rice variety with filipino farmers

For FarmFriday we share this interesting newsbit we found in our inbox from IRRI. IRRI News | 04 May 2010 | Los Baños, Philippines Rice growers in Bohol, an island province of the Philippines, are expecting higher rice yields and income thanks to new japonica rice varieties developed in collaboration with Korea and the International […]

PhilDHRRA to hold social accountability forum on May 18

The Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PhilDHRRA)  will be conducting a forum on May 18, 9:00am to 2:30pm, at the Discovery Suites (Drake, 42nd floor) in Ortigas Center, Pasig City. The forum is a culminating activity of the  study on Strengthening Social Accountability Mechanisms for Food Security and Agricultural […]

Regional farmers network elects new leaders

In the recently concluded 4th AFA General Assembly last April 23 in Ping Tung, Taiwan, the new officers of the Executive Committee for 2010-2015 were sworn into office. The new leaders of AFA are as follows: Chairperson – Mr. Tsai, Shun-Te, TWADA (Taiwan) Vice-Chairperson – Ms. Jang, Jeong-Ok, WAFF (South Korea) Treasurer (appointed) – Mr. […]

The phosphorus crisis – jumpstarting urban mining?

So phosphorus is running out right? well, sort of, coz it turns out phosphorus can also be found in urban sewage. Will the phosphorus crisis spur urban mining? They sift the powder through their fingers, smell it and admire its soft, brownish shimmer. The members of the delegation from Japan, dressed in black suits and […]

Peak Phosphorus – the end of corporate farming?

You’ve probably never heard of this crisis. After Peak Oil comes this news about Peak Phosphorus. Supposedly, this element, a key component of the global food chain is to run out in 30 years and a lot of people are concerned because “Our dwindling supply of phosphorus, a primary component (mainly as fertilizer) underlying the […]

World Bank sees "end of Third World"

Interesting pronouncements from the World Bank. Makes you wonder though, what it REALLY means… IPS | By Jim Lobe WASHINGTON, Apr 14, 2010 (IPS) – The 2009 global financial crisis marked the definitive end of longstanding paradigms of the global economy and development, such as the “Third World” and “North-South”, according to World Bank President […]

International Agri Policy marginalizes farmers

FarmFriday shares this interesting newsbit from IPS. This highlights again the need to support agriculture in general and smallholder farmers in particular. IPS|By Stephen Leahy How’s this for short-sighted: A billion people go hungry every day, food prices have climbed 30 to 40 percent, climate change is reducing agricultural production – and for the past […]

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