Eco-Friendly Farming Practices to Fight Hunger in Bolivia

Here’s an interesting article we picked up over at IPS. Franz Chávez interviews Bolivian expert in natural resource management WILFREDO QUIROZ Wilfredo Quiroz / Credit:Franz Chávez/IPS LA PAZ, Apr 3 , 2010 (IPS) – The gradual loss of traditional farming practices that preserve the land has pushed into extreme poverty small farmers in Bolivia who […]

Ms. Farrah Sierva completes OJT in AsiaDHRRA

Ms. Farrah Sierva, a incoming senior taking up foreign studies at Miriam College in the Philippines recently completed her one month OJT at the AsiaDHRRA Secretariat office where she performed coordination work and assisted in organizing our library. Our best wishes to Farrah as she continues her studies.

Chinese farmer fights off forced evictors with home-made cannon

Sad scenes like this are being played out all over China as the demands of modernization and opportunists clash with the lives of poor chinese farmers like brave Yang Youde. Yang Youde is a farmer who had contracted to rent 25 mu of land.  The lease was set to continue until 2019.  Over the years, […]

Super dense livestock herding to combat desertification

Here’s an interesting article from about reversing desertification. The project, the winner of the 2010  Buckminster Fuller Challenge evangelizes the approach called  “holistic management” in combating desertification. “The core of Holistic Management is simply grazing local livestock in super dense herds that mimic the grazing patterns of big-game (which have since disappeared). Those livestock […]

PhilRice Farm Machines: MicroTiller

By popular demand we will be posting again farm machines developed by government and research institutions in Southeast Asia. Again here’s PhilRice with their microtiller which is just perfect for small family farms and those starting out on mechanizing their rice farms.  Am not sure if this machine is the one designed also for use […]

Filipino rice farmers’ socioecon status is improving

FarmFriday shares this interesting newsbit we picked up from PhilRice about a research they conducted that showed Filipino rice farmers have steadily improved their socio-economic status over the past 10 years or so. Any reactions? There is a steady improvement in the social and economic status among Filipino rice farmers and their household for the […]

AsiaDHRRA to participate in July 2010 Investment Forum for Food Security

AsiaDHRRA is set to participate in the Investment Forum and Market Place for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific to be held in Manila, Philippines on 7-9 July 2010.  It also joins other CSOs in preparing for the official CSO Pre-forum meeting on July 6 and the CSO side meetings during the event. The […]

LSFM wraps up Phase 1

AsiaDHRRA is currently finalizing the program evaluation of the Linking Small Farmers to Market program conducted by external consultants Dr. Nerlie Manalili and Mr. Jing Pacturan. The evaluation has generated several promising insights and possibilities that will ensure the continued success of the commodity marketing initiatives undertaken by the partners. LSFM is in exploratory talks […]

AsiaDHRRA and PhilDHRRA hold Social Accountability Workshop

AsiaDHRRA in partnership with its member in the Philippines, PhilDHRRA, and with support from the Associated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia Pacific (ANSA-EAP) co-sponsored a regional forum entitled “Strengthening Social Accountability towards Food Security: A look at the Asian Development Bank”. The forum was participated by national and regional network in Asia and […]

Visit the website of the Asia Pacific Food Security Consultation

Have a look-see at the website of the FAO Civil Society Regional Consultation on Food Security in Asia and the Pacific Region. Available for download are the consultation proceedings, various documents and presentations during the activity. You can also view the activity photos. The overall objective of the regional Civil Society consultations was to agree […]

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