ATIGA Unbound

We are releasing another downloadable ebook for your reading pleasure, this time about the Implications of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) on the livelihood and welfare of small stakeholders in Philippine agriculture and industry This research on ATIGA was anchored by AsiaDHRRA for the Trade Advocacy Group (TAG) and was undertaken by Ms. […]

Asiadhrra scoping study on Strengthening Social Accountability Mechanism for Food Security and Agricultural Development out now!

This study is part of an initiative to strengthen social accountability mechanisms for food security and agricultural development. Specifically, the program aims to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to monitor and analyze public expenditure processes of IFIs, in particular, the ADB, and the national agencies focusing on agriculture. This paper will: Provide background information on […]

Radically Rethinking Agriculture for the 21st Century

As the year draws to a close, FarmFriday leaves you with this interesting bit from ScienceMag. Food for thought as another year is about to start. Happy New Year everyone and may we all have a peaceful, just and bountiful year ahead… Population growth, arable land and fresh water limits, and climate change have profound […]

“FarmVille” vs. Real Farms

Here’s an interesting and witty  infographic from Mashable stacking up virtual farming vis-a-vis real farming. Interesting gender angle in there too. wonder what the GAD wonks would think…. “With all those millions of Facebook and iPhone users tending to virtual crops and sharing them with friends, have you ever wondered how their toils stack up […]

Measuring food insecurity

HungerWednesday enjoins you to read this interesting viewpoint from ScienceMag on measuring food security. Abstract Food security is a growing concern worldwide. More than 1 billion people are estimated to lack sufficient dietary energy availability, and at least twice that number suffer micronutrient deficiencies. Because indicators inform action, much current research focuses on improving food […]

Online database of research accountability tools

Here’s a toolset that would be very helpful to researchers everywhere.. The One World Trust, with support from the International Development Research Centre, has created an interactive, online database of tools to help organisations conducting policy relevant research become more accountable. The Trust has built the online accountability database to support researchers, campaigners and research […]

Conditional cash transfers works!

Something we picked up while browsing The Economist. Food for thought when planning anti-poverty programmes The Economist CELIA ORBOC, a cake-seller in the Philippines, spent her little stipend on a wooden shack, giving her five children a roof over their heads for the first time. In Kyrgyzstan Sharmant Oktomanova spent hers buying flour to feed […]

IFAD releases Rural Poverty Report 2011

Something to read and think over during your downtime… The Rural Poverty Report 2011 is a comprehensive resource for policymakers and practitioners, especially those in developing countries.  The report looks at who poor rural people are, what they do and how their livelihoods are changing.  It explores the challenges that make it so difficult for […]

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