Asiadhrra participates in the Joint FAO/Civil Society planning-cum-team building meeting

Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary General is participating in the Joint FAO/Civil Society Planning-cum-Team Building Meeting being held on 11 and 12 March at the Royal Princess Hotel, Larn Luang, Larn Luang Road 269, Watsommanut, Bangkok, Thailand The proposed CSO-FAO Joint Planning meeting is expected to allow the core members (or Team members) of the […]

AsiaDHRRA joins the FAO consultation on high food prices in Asia

Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary-General is participating in the Regional Consultation on Policy and Programmatic Actions to Address High Food Prices in Asia and the Pacific Region being held at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Bangkok, Thailand from 9 to 10 March 2011. “High level agriculture, trade and finance representatives from 20 Asia […]

MyanDHRRA visits AsiaDHRRA

Mr. Zaw Zaw Han, Chairman of Ever Green Group – Social Enterprise Partnership for Development, a member of MyanDHRRA dropped by our office for a visit after attending the CSO Forum on AFCC held in Manila on March 1, 2011. Mr. Han and Asiadhrra staff had a fruitful discussion as they discussed the activities of […]

Binadesa presents Asiadhrra proposal on ASEAN Peoples' Field School on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change

Ms. Dwi Astuti, Binadesa Executive Director and AsiaDHRRA Vice-Chairperson for Southeast Asia sub-region, participated in the CSO Forum on AFCC held in Manila on March 1, 2011. She presented AsiaDHRRA’s proposal for the establishment of ASEAN Peoples’ Field School on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change, a small-scale producer focused regional knowledge management mechanism. Ms. Dwi […]

NGO-in-a-Box redux

TechTuesday is back!!! and for you dear NGO workers we bring back this fab toolset famously known as NGO-in-a-box. “NGO-in-a-box is a collection of essential tools for running a small-to-medium sized NGO. You can use this toolkit to set up and coordinate your office, organise and manage projects, collaborate online and support your campaigns. The […]

Maligaya Flatbed Dryer Inquiries

To our readers who have been requesting for assistance in purchasing the maligaya flatbed dryer, here’s the updated contact details of the program manager in charge of the machines. Apologies for the bad links in our posts on maligaya flat bed dryer, it seems like PhilRice Online revamped their website and put in new permalinks […]

World food prices rising again

From NYT -IHT World food prices continued to rise sharply in December, bringing them close to the crisis levels that provoked shortages and riots in poor countries three years ago, according to newly released United Nations data. Prices are expected to remain high this year, prompting concern that the world may be approaching another crisis, […]

Honey bee collapse threatens global food security

An interesting newsbit from The Telegraph about how the massive kill-off of these pollinators may severely impact the already critical levels of global food supply…. Almost a third of global farm output depends on animal pollination, largely by honey bees……  The bee crisis has been treated as a niche concern until now, but as the […]

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