ACSC/APF 2011: Agriculture and the Peasantry in ASEAN: Challenges and Way Forward

The workshop on Agriculture and the Peasantry in ASEAN: Challenges and Way Forward (co-organized by Asiadhrra with API, SPI, SP, BINA DESA, AFA, APNFS, LRAN) will discuss the challenges facing agriculture and peasantry in the ASEAN Region in the context of food sovereignty and land reform. Download the Agriculture in ASEAN workshop program here… module on Sustainable small-scale farming

FarmFriday features module 1 of the Learning AgriCultures series put up by the admirable folks over at Module 1 provides an overview of issues to be explored in the Learning AgriCultures series. This series aims to provide support to educators in explaining the principles behind sustainable small-scale farming. Module 1 serves as the introduction […]

Improving the governance of the global food system to address structural hunger

HungerWednesday shares this interesting viewpoint on the issue of global hunger from Eldis Agriculture and Food Security News If, however, we look back over the past two decades, we can observe that except for the current downturn, hunger has been on the increase. Between the early 1990s and 2007, we had periods in which food […]

Japanese farmers protest against nuke plant owner

YahooNews Angry farmers brought two cows to Tokyo where they shouted and punched the air Tuesday in a protest to demand compensation for products contaminated by radiation spewing from Japan’s crippled nuclear plant. The 200 farmers from northeastern Japan wore green bandanas, held aloft cabbages they said they couldn’t sell and carried signs saying “Stop […]

DHRRA Malaysia conducts Entrepreneurship Training

A seminar on entrepreneurship was organized by DHRRA Malaysia in collaboration with Puchong Indian Women Welfare Society. Around 80 entrepreneurs participated in this program. 40 of the participants took part in the sewing class while the rest attended the session on grooming (persolekan). Read more about exciting empowering activities that DHRRA Malaysia is conducting…

GIZ Seminar: The Future of Smallholder Farming in Agribusiness – June 2011

Our friends at GIZ Thailand sent out this invite for a regional training they will conduct on June 21-25, 2011 in Krabi, Thailand dubbed “The Future of Smallholder Farming in Agribusiness“. Agriculture must produce more from less, and do so in an environmentally sustainable, efficient and socially just manner. The GIZ partnership farming approach provides […]

IYFF Africa Continental Meeting Booklet

Our friends at WRF is sharing the results of the IYFF Africa Continental Meeting held on 24 October 2010 in Lilongwe, Malawi. Click to download/read the pdf… Read more about the IYFF African Continental Meeting here….

IYFF Campaign Updates 2011

The IYFF campaign continues to ramp up with more and more organizations and states signing up and  pledging support.  Join us in this campaign to make Family Farming an important focus worldwide and a viable alternative to corporate farms. Here are the latest updates sent by Mr. Jose Osaba of the WRF. 315 farmers and […]

Potentially catastrophic climate impacts on food production over the long-term

HungerWednesday found this at the FAO newsroom… “Potentially catastrophic” impacts on food production from slow-onset climate changes are expected to increasingly hit the developing world in the future and action is needed now to prepare for those anticipated impacts, FAO warned today in a submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. “Currently […]

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