Legowo System for Fish-Rice Intercropping

Fish and rice is always a tasty combo right? FarmFriday shares this farming method developed by the Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT), Ungaran, Indonesia.  Thanks again to FFTC. Learn how to setup the Legowo System here….

The wonderful Polyface Farm

Ok this is not from Asia but this farm is amazing and we can get some ideas that can be applied to the asian farming context. Polyface Farms is a “grass-farming” operation in Swope, Virginia run by Mr. Joel Salatin and his family and a bunch of staff and interns. It has become the “mecca of […]

Building a Biogas Plant to Supply a Farm Household

Farm technology again for FarmFriday courtesy of FFTC Archives. This is a  concise howto on building  a small Biogas plant that can supply the energy needs of a farm household. This technology was developed by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the full howto on Building a […]

Multi-Purpose Paddy Sowing Machine

FarmFriday is back again after a long rest 🙂 and today we feature this machine  developed by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand. We got this from our friends over at FFTC. This machine attempts to resolve the following problem encountered using manual sowing “for a consistent spread, farmers have to constantly cast the seeds […]

Beware the climate loan sharks

A very interesting reading about another reprehensible facet of the climate change issue. Essentially,  as  Rezaul Karim Chowdhury says “By pushing climate loans, the UK is making people in countries like mine pay twice for climate change, even though we played virtually no part in causing the problem.” In Climate Loan Sharks, the World Development Movement […]

Bangladesh wants no part of climate loans This week in Cape Town, the World Bank will decide whether to approve new climate adaptation loans for five countries. In Bangladesh and around the world, campaigners are resisting these loans and urging their governments not to accept new debt for climate change. More than 50 organisations from countries due to receive the loans […]

FAO endorses IYFF Campaign resolution to the UN

A historic event in the IYFF campaign, WRF shares this very important step that transpired in the FAO Side Event on Family Farming: Last Saturday, 2nd July 2011, the plenary of the 37th FAO Conference ratified the Resolution introduced by the Philippino delegation (see attached text),   supported by more than 15 countries, without any opposition, […]

Asiadhrra welcomes New FAO Chief

Asiadhrra warmly welcomes the recent election of José Graziano da Silva from Brazil as the new director general of FAO. “He received a total of 92 votes out of 180 votes cast, winning over former Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, who received 88 votes. There were no abstentions. The election took place on […]

Asiadhrra participates in IYFF-WCC activities in 37th FAO Conference

Asiadhrra, represented by Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General, is set to participate in two important meetings related to the campaign for an International Year of Family Farming (IYFF). As a member of World Consultative Committee of the IYFF, Asiadhrra will participate in the first meeting of the committee to be held in Rome on 30 […]

Asiadhrra anchors ASEAN 2011-2015 RDPE Framework drafting process

AsiaDHRRA has been tapped by the ASEAN Secretariat to anchor the drafting process of the ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Framework Action Plan (RDPE FAP) for 2011-2015.  We are facilitating, together with our national CSO partners and in coordination with the national ASEAN SOMRDPE Focal Points, a series of national consultations this month of […]

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