UN Declares 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming!!!
Here’s great news straight from José A. Osaba and our good friends at WRF. Thanks to all partners and friends and the Asiadhrra Network for actively participating in the IYFF campaign! “We have got finally the good news that many of our organizations have been waiting for. Today, December 22nd 2011, at 4.55 pm, New […]
Holiday Greetings from Asiadhrra!
AsiaDHRRA shares its linking small farmers to market experiences in China Forum
AsiaDHRRA joined two Seminars organized by the International Poverty Reduction Center of China (IPRCC). The first seminar on “Policies and Practices of Rural Poverty Reduction in China and ASEAN countries” was held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province last October 12-18, 2011. Twenty five (25) participants from 9 ASEAN countries and China. The second seminar on […]
Asiadhrra participates in the FAO RAP Forum on Food Security
Asiadhrra is set to participate in a forum on food security sponsored by FAO RAP. The Forum entitled, “Nutrition-Sensitive Food Production Systems for Sustainable Food Security” will take place on December 7-8, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand, at Conference Hall of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Asiadhrra will be joined by participants […]
Building People’s Sovereignty in South East Asia Region
Binadesa shared with us a declaration document they signed together with a multitude of Indonesian CSO’s on the issue of people’s sovereignty in ASEAN. The declaration is entitled “Building People’s Sovereignty in South East Asia Region: Refuse and Oppose the Domination of Global Capitalism” “We, Indonesian people, representations of peasants, workers, migrant workers, fisher folk, […]
IYFF Final Declaration: Feeding the Word, Caring for the Earth
FINAL DECLARATION Family Farming World Conference: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth October 5-7, 2011 / Bilbao, Spain We, 200 women and men, leaders of national, regional and international farmers’ organizations, civil society groups and social movements, and key academic and research institutions, from four continents of the world –Africa, Americas, Asia and […]
Vietdhrra hosts RDPE National Consultation in Vietnam
“On 20th.July 2011 the RDPE National Consultation for Viet Nam was held at the meeting room of the Center of Agricultural Extension Volunteers (CAEV), 4th.Floor, A1 Building, Phuong Mai, 102 Truong Chinh, Ha Noi which is also Executive Office of the Vietnam Partnership of Human Resource Development for Rural Areas (VietDHRRA).” Read the details of […]
Farmbots to the farms!
Robots for TechTuesday! Bots in the farms is pretty interesting in itself coz, well, they’re robots. Apparently commercial farmers are enamored with robots because they help address the farmers’ perennial problem of labor costs and labor availability. But you have to wonder though the sense of this as world population continues to increase which means […]
Guidelines in using the Maligaya Flatbed Dryer
FarmFriday has this to share to our readers who have installed the maligaya flatbed dryer or planning to install one. Here’s a few reminders from PhilRice: Check/monitor the temperature of drying air, air static pressure at the plenum, and grain depth when operating the dryer. When drying palay for seed purposes, the temperature should not […]