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Asiadhrra holds Execom meeting in Hanoi
Asiadhrra will hold its first ExeCom Meeting for 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam today. Dr. Toan will host the meeting at the Vietdhrra office. Among the matters to be discussed include a review of the network operations for the past 2 years, an overview of the opportunities and challenges and partnerships for the upcoming period and […]
Asiadhrra invited to the 31st APRC (2012)
A five-member Asiadhrra delegation spearheaded by Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary General and Mr. Yoshikuni Yatani, Asiadhrra Execom member and Dr. Bui Quang Toan, Vietdhrra Chairperson, has been invited to participate in the 31st session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific which will be held in Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Viet […]
Asiadhrra co-organizes 31st APRC Civil Society Consultation
Asiadhrra is co-organizing with fellow regional CSOs and the Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) the “CSO Meeting: Consolidating Efforts for Effective Engagement on Food and Agriculture Governance” in conjunction with the 31st FAO-Asia Pacific Regional Conference. It will be held at the Khan Quang Do Hotel in Hanoi, Viet Nam on March 10-11, 2012. The CSO […]
Congratulations to AFA on their 10th Anniversary!
Our warmest congratulations to the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) who celebrates their 10th Anniversary today as they hold the event entitled “AFA@10: Celebrating Successes, Taking On More Challenges: AFA Regional Consultations and 5th AFA General Assembly” on March 7-9, 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam. AFA came into fruition after a series farmer exchanges […]
Asiadhrra participates in the 4th Farmers Forum
Ms. Marlene Ramirez, representing the Asiadhrra network, joined the Fourth Meeting of the Farmers Forum (FAFO) held on Feburary 20-21, 2012 at the IFAD Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The Farmers’ Forum “is an on-going, bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between small farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations (FOs), IFAD and governments, focused on agricultural and […]
China blocks GE Rice
Interesting news about China pushing out new legislations “restricting research, field trials, production, sale, import and export of genetically engineered grain seeds. The draft stipulates that no organization or person can employ unauthorized GE technology in any major food product in China.” “This is actually a world-first initiative that deals with GE food legislation at […]
DHRRA Malaysia assists poor Malaysians get MyKads
RAWANG, Feb 2 (Bernama) — Forty-two people received their identification documents, namely Mykad, Citizenship and birth certificate today. Among them were a 49-year-old barber M. Soundrarajan from Rasah, Negeri Sembilan and Hartini Abd Rani, 33 from Hulu Bernam. During the event organised by The Development of Human Resources in Rural Area (DHRRA Malaysia), its President […]
Invest more on farming and agriculture says Bill Gates
Here’s an interesting advice to world leaders from the tech titan and currently the biggest private philanthropist, Bill Gates who outlines in his 2012 Annual letter the need to invest more in agriculture “We can help poor farmers sustainably increase their productivity so they can feed themselves and their families. But that will only happen […]