First Day Summary of Proceedings of the Preparatory Workshop for the 2nd AMAF Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security

The Preparatory Workshop for the 2nd AMAF Private Sector Dialogue (PPD) on Food Security began  with 26 participants representing farmers organizations, cooperatives, and civil society organizations from the national and regional levels. Representatives from the FAO and national governments also joined to observe. The Preparatory Workshop was organized by the ASEAN Secretariat in collaboration with […]

Asiadhrra participates in 5th Human Rights Defenders Forum

Florante “Nonoy” Villas, represented Asiadhrra in  Forum Asia’s 5th Human Rights Defenders Forum last 3-5 September 2012 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The forum  with its theme “Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in A Consolidated Asian Regional Human Rights Movement” focused on the issues and challenges facing defenders working on economic, […]

Asiadhrra and AgriCord co-organize FGD on Impact Indicators and Tools of Measurements

Asiadhrra in cooperation with AgriCord is set to hold a workshop and FGD on the Farmers Fighting Poverty (FFP) impact indicators and tools of measurements on September 8-9, 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Focused Group Discussion (FGD) aims to, among others, register and analyze the views and perceptions of selected leaders and staff of farmers’ […]

Phildhrra holds 21st General Assembly

PhilDHRRA held their 21st GA from August 15-17, 2012 at the Ritz Hotel at Garden Oases. Bo. Obrero,  Davao City.  The theme for this this year’s GA, ““LOOKING BACK, STRENGTHENING SYNERGY AND ACHIEVING GREATER IMPACT IN SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT” builds on previous results of PhilDHRRA’s GA and 25th Anniversary. The objectives for the GA were: […]

Asiadhrra welcomes Taiwanese interns

Asiadhrra is hosting two interns from the National Pintung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) in Taiwan. Ms. Ya-hui and Ms.Fang-chi are both graduate students taking up Masters in Agribusiness. They are both student of Dr. Wen-chi Huang who is also the Asiadhrra Chairperson. They will be staying with Asiadhrra for one month (July 27-August […]

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