Asiadhrra to participate in the High-Level Consultation Meeting on Integrating Nutrition into ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and its Strategic Plan of Action for Food Security

Asiadhrra, represented by Mr. Florante Villas, Program Manager, is participating in the High-Level Consultation Meeting on Integrating Nutrition into ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and its Strategic Plan of Action for Food Security to be held on Jan 21-Feb. 1, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. Organized by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and FAO […]

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 – FAO

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 presents new estimates of undernourishment based on a revised and improved methodology. The new estimates show that progress in reducing hunger during the past 20 years has been better than previously believed, and that, given renewed efforts, it may be possible to reach the MDG hunger […]

Strength in Numbers: Effective forest producer organizations

Forest producer organizations can be highly effective agents of poverty reduction through their advocacy and economic roles. Given the increasing amount of forest land now managed and controlled by individuals and communities, there is a need to strengthen cooperation in terms of forest products and services. Published by FAO, the Forest & Farm Facility and […]

Asiadhrra participates in international agri seminar on FO participation

Asiadhrra was invited to present on  the involvement of farmers’ organizations in public programs during the International Agricultural Seminar entitled “How to Better Involve Farmers’ Organizations in Agricultural Public Programs? “ held on November 28th-29th2012, at the Auditorium International,  International Trade Union House Boulevard du Roi Albert II, No. 5 / 2 B-1210 Brussels.  The […]

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) in Asia Knowledge Management Workshop

Nov 9-11, 2012 Phnom Penh, Cambodia A knowledge sharing and learning session among implementors of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) in Asia which include national farmers organizations in Nepal (All Nepal Peasant Federation Association for Nepal or ANPFa), Bangladesh (Action Aid Bangladesh for Kendrio Krishok Moitree or AA-B-KKM), Cambodia (Farmers and Nature […]

Agricord-member agri-agencies working in the Philippines and Southeast Asia met for learning exchanges

A learning exchange meeting among Agricord-member agri-agencies, namely: Trias, Agriterra, Swedish Cooperative Center (SCC), Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires (CSA) and AsiaDHRRA, all working in the Philippines and Southeast Asia was held last 5-6 November 2012 at Fersal Place Hotel in Quezon City, Philippines. The learning exchange meeting was an opportunity for Agricord members to interact instructive of their […]

Asiadhrra and Agricord to jointly organize Session on Capacity Building in Practice during the Civil Society Policy Forum at the 2012 WB-IMF Annual Meetings

Asiadhrra is set to participate in the  Civil Society Policy Forum at the 2012 World Bank-International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings in Tokyo to be held on October 10, 2012 in Tokyo, Japan. In partnership with Agricord, a network of agri-agencies in Europe, Africa and Asia, Asiadhrra is co-organizing the Session on Capacity Building in Practice: […]

Summary of CSO Inputs – 2nd AMAF-Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security

Summary of CSO Inputs (Cross-cutting) 2nd AMAF-Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security September 27, 2012 Vientiane, Lao PDR Your excellencies from the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF), once again, on behalf of the CSO delegation, please accept our sincere appreciation for this opportunity to dialogue with you. Our strong presence here indicates our […]

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