How farmers organize

Everywhere in the world, small-scale farmers are collaborating with each other in some way – forming groups, sharing information, working together. Under the right circumstances, farmers’ groups can make a very positive difference to the lives of those working to improve their livelihood options, as well as to the sustainable management of natural resources. The vast majority of articles published in the LEISA Magazines describe situations where communities working together formally or informally are a key part of the experience. The benefit of strength in numbers is not a new concept, and for many farmers and communities in rural areas, working together is an obvious, time-tested and often necessary idea.
Working together can take many forms, and a variety of terms are used to cover the scope of this idea – collective action, farmers’ organisations, womens’ groups, unions, co-operatives, self-help groups, networks, alliances, associations, committees, clubs, partnerships. These terms imply a range of methods for joining forces, at different levels, in a variety of sizes and scopes, with different aims, or with different legal status.
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