Setting up the groundwork on Agroecology, a FO-RI initiative


9 January 2023 – AsiaDHRRA started 2023 on inspiring ground with a discussion on and started the case documentation work for the “Farmer Organizations’ Leading Research and Innovation (FO-RI) on Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems.”   The FORI program aims to document and popularize good practices on agroecology among small-scale Farmer’s Organizations (FOs) towards greater recognition among FOs, policymakers, and key decision-makers.

The research will revolve around basic agroecological principles, collection, and evaluation of practices, and sustainability of the process.  A deeper understanding of ecological and sustainable agrifood systems must be gained by farmers and their organizations to further contribute to a Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation.

FO-RI is a project in collaboration with AgriCord and funded EU.


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