Rural School (Sekolah Pedesaan/SEPEDA)


At the beginning of 2024, Bina Desa started accompanying women fishers of Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, through the initiative of Rural School or Sekolah Pedesaan (SEPEDA). Rural School is a non-formal education program that aims to empower rural communities profoundly and comprehensively.

SEPEDA exists as a living-learning space for women fishers, not just a place for them to learn theory but also to hone practical skills, understand the socio-economic context around them, and explore the potential of villages independently. The program focuses on organizational, economic, political, and social education, which hopes to empower women fishers to be agents of change in their own communities.

SEPEDA not only teaches theory and skills but also fosters critical thinking, enabling rural women to solve local problems with relevant solutions.

Organizational education is an important aspect of the SEPEDA program. Women fishers learn how to organize themselves, manage organizations, and build a leadership system that promotes common welfare.

These organizational skills help villages become stronger, strengthen cooperation among residents, build networks, and achieve common goals. Good organization also strengthens women fishers in the face of conflicts of interest, environmental issues, and resistance to unjust policies. With a strong organizational education supply, Jeneponto women fishers are increasingly empowered to become leaders for themselves and rural communities.

Learn more about SEPEDA here:


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