R8 Alliance meet with NATCCO and SIDC on Agri-Coop building

Quezon City, Philippines – Last November 19, 2016 around 20 representatives coming from Farmers’ Organizations of Region 8 or R8 Alliance, AsiaDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, and PAKISAMA met with key officials of the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) and Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC).
The meeting objectives are the following:

  • Explore the support of NATCCO and SIDC in the agri-coop development of/within Region 8 Alliance which it is planning to pursue in Eastern Samar and Leyte.
  • Discuss the willingness of and possibilities within NATCCO and SIDC to provide technical support to Region 8 Alliance along “regional agri-coop” building agenda. NATCCO and SIDC are expected to give advice on what suitable mechanism or approach are possible based on technical support that they could provide.

The participants of the meeting are leaders of Unahin Lagi Ang Diyos – Bito Lake Fisherfolk and Farmers (UNLAD-BLFFA), Guian Development Foundation, Inc. (GDFI), Kahugpungan sa mga Mag-uumang Ormocanon, Inc. (KAMAO), Omaganhan Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative (OFMPC), PAKISAMA, Quinapondan Farmers and Fishers Development association (QFFDA), Mercedes Organic Farming and Fishing Development Association (MOFFA), Lawaan Farmers and Fishers Development Association (LFFDA), Gen. Mc Arthur Community Based Agricultural Development Organization (GMCBADO), Hernani Community Farmers and Fishing Development Association (HCFFDA), Marabut Farmers and Fishers Development Association (MFFDA), Maliwaliw Multi-Purpose Association (MMA), and Camverse Fisherfolks Association (CFA).
Also present were Ms. Caridad Corridor, National Coordinator for PhilDHRRA, Mr. Jonjon B. Sarmiento, Sustainable Agriculture Program Manager of PAKISAMA, and Mr. Florante Villas of AsiaDHRRA who facilitated the meeting. Mr. Alex Almendral of NATCCO, and Bon Ian Dela Roca of SIDC acted as resource persons.

SIDC offered help through coop to coop partnership. Mr. Dela Roca said that since the R8 Alliance intends to do swine/livestock production, his group can provide assistance by offering the group customized feeds  both for selling  and for their  livestock production. Also, Mr. Almendral and Mr. Dela Roca said that there organization can share learnings and experiences, and technical assistance to the R8 Alliance.


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