One Commune One Product Certification to farmers’ organisation partner in Vietnam


AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Cezar Belangel, met the key leaders of Phuc Thanh Beekeepers Cooperative (PTBC), a farmers’ organisation (FO) located in a small village in Thai Nguyen province in the northeastern part of Vietnam, on 29 February 2024. The FO’s leadership was delighted to receive their “One Commune One Product (OCOP)” certificate, which qualifies them to sell their products in mainstream markets like tourist stations, supermarkets, and online platforms.

PTBC is thankful for AsiaDHRRA’s assistance through the Farmers’ Organisation for Asia (FO4A) project. They are grateful for establishing a cooperative, the OCOP certification, acquiring purifying machines for their honey, and learning several skills and ways of managing the organisation.

The FO4A project intervention has improved the product’s packaging to comply with OCOP requirements.  The FO’s members were mobilized to approach market outlets and introduce the products, including supermarkets and bus stations where OCOP products are displayed.

The FO’s leadership estimated they will start consolidating at least 50% of their members’ honey to collectively pack and market them in March 2024.  AsiaDHRRA discussed the importance of developing financial statements and the need to report to their members, as it promotes transparency and cultivates trust.  Likewise, the FO’s compliance with the required procedures to maintain safe and quality products must be observed to keep the OCOP certification from the government.


FO4A is AsiaDHRRA’s program in coordination with AgriCord, funded by the EU through IFAD.


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