New AsiaDHRRA Chairperson meets with the Secretariat

Quezon City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA Secretariat welcomed the new ExeCom Chairperson, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hong, at the headquarters on 23-24 January 2019 for an initial planning session in preparation for the upcoming AsiaDHRRA Annual Planning and ExeCom Meeting.
During his two-day visit, the Secretariat provided him with the overview of AsiaDHRRA’s core programs, staffs’ profiles, and, major targets for the year, among others. The meeting also served as venue for plotting and agreeing the implementation strategies for major activities in the first quarter.
Dr. Hong concluded the meeting noting that, “my position as a Chairperson is very challenging, and, without your assistance and our joint efforts, I cannot do anything.”
Dr. Hong will serve as Chairperson from October 2018 to 2022. He is also the concurrent Standing Vice Chairperson of VietDHRRA, and, President of VACVINA—National Association of Vietnamese Gardeners.



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