New AgriCord President Jean-Francoise Isambert visits AsiaDHRRA and R8 Alliance


Quezon City, Philippines – Last July 25, 2016 newly elected AgriCord President Jean-Francoise Isambert with Ms. Hannelore Beerlandt, agricultural economist and staff of AgriCord, visited AsiaDHRRA. The visit is part of the new President’s series conversations with each Agri-agency.

Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, gave a brief history of AsiaDHRRA, and how each network member (DHRRAs) relate to and work with FOs at the country and regional level. She emphasized that in Asia in general, relationships are built or based on historical ties, and each DHRRA member is unique given each country-context. She cited InDHRRA/Yayasan Bina Desa in Indonesia – member of AsiaDHRRA – was a catalyst in the formation of Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI) – a member of La Via Campesina (LVC), and then Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API), now part of the Medium-Term Cooperation Program Phase II (MTCP 2). Ms. Ramirez said that in Malaysia, Korea, and Japan where DHRRA members work in the context of an advance Asian economy  their focus is not only agro-development, but also programs on child and women development, registration of “Stateless” peoples, legal assistance, and life-long learning.

DSC_0043On July 26, 2016 Mr. Isambert, and Ms. Beerlandt, with Marlene Ramirez and Cezar Belangel travelled to Tacloban and met with 8 FOs and their representatives, namely, Hazel Dabing, Rey Matus and Orly, Romulo Samson, Alfredo Algo, Women-members of Mercedes Organic Farmers and Fishers Association (MOFFA), Vilma Ramasta, and the staff of Upland Marketing Foundation, Inc. (UMFI), who have become “models” for other farmers in the province.

Common to these farmers are their diversified farming technic and entrepreneurial spirit. The farmers are engaged in the production of Banana for Banana Chips, fish for household and semi-commercial purpose, and have planted long-term crops such as cacao, coffee, and coconut.

According the FO representatives, they intend to strengthen the R8 (Region 8) Alliance as an agri-cooperative at the regional level to consolidate the marketing of their agricultural produce, build financial support servicing its members, catalyze processing activities, and coordinate production among members.

For Mr. Jean-Francois Isambert, the successes of Hazel Dabing and the entrepreneurial woman of MOFFA and Quinapondan Farmers and Fishers Development Association (QFFDA) is inspirational.

AsiaDHRRA is a member of AgriCord.



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