AsiaDHRRA’s Musyawarah visit with DHRRA Malaysia


AsiaDHRRA’s Secretary-General, Ms. Marlene Ramirez, HR-OD consultant, Ms. Arlynn Contreras, and Program Manager, Mr. Affan Firmansyah, conducted a Musyawarah visit with its partner DHRRA in the network, DHRRA Malaysia, at Petaling Jaya on January 23- 25, 2025.  The call aims to foster stronger relationships and strengthen collective efforts towards achieving the network’s strategic direction through dialogue and collaboration.

The meeting discusses updates on DHRRA Malaysia and AsiaDHRRA’s development plan and strategic direction, including the expectations and commitment to areas in which to collaborate for ways forward. The discussion was chaired by DHRRA Malaysia’s President Dato’ Saravanan Sinapan, Datin Nanthini Ramalo, and Director for Social Protection Miss Maalini Ramalo, including Board Members, Leaders and Senior Staff.

Musyawarah, or the “Dialogue of Life,” is an important element in the DHRRA process and involves the following principles namely:

  • Democracy – everyone has a voice
  • Equality – no voice is higher or lower
  • Prioritizing the common interest – it has to be a mutual reality
  • Deliberation to reach a consensus – everyone has to agree
  • Family spirit – we are on this together
  • Honesty and responsibility – you are responsible for your own words/actions
  • Politeness in expressing opinions – compassion


The Partnership Maturity Assessment (PMA) was studied during the meeting, highlighting the accomplishment of 2019 Plans for Growth vis-a-vis targets and the Plan for Growth based on 2025 PMA results.  The process has helped in designing concrete mechanisms and collaboration for the next six months to one year.

AsiaDHRRA’s recent Musyawarah contributes to the attainment of “Strengthening the Agency of CSOs in Developing Policy Framework for Equitable Rural Development and an Enhanced Contribution of Family Farmers Towards the Achievement of the SDGs (ACRE).”  ACRE is an EU-funded program that enhances the capacities of regional members of the World Rural Forum (WRF) to lead regional policy on UNDFF 2019-2028, food systems, climate change, biodiversity, EU development policies, the 2030 Global Agenda with a focus on family farming, women and youth.


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